Graduate Students:

Jeff Durst, MS thesis in 2009, “Gamma-Ray Bursts: New Parameters for Measuring Energy Dependent Spectral Lag Times”

Dan Logue, MS thesis in 2007, “A Single Continuous Function as a Model For Fast Rise Exponential Decay Gamma Ray Bursts.”

Ted Dunsford, MS thesis in 2001, “The Fully Automated Correction of Maps Using Digital Photographs from the IKONOS Satellite.”

Yuan Yan, PhD dissertation in 2000, “Scaling in Long Duration Gamma-Ray Burst Time Profiles.”
After leaving MSU, Yan spent a sabbatical with the AMANDA group - part of the time at the Antarctic observing station.

Jing Hao, M.S thesis in 2000, “An Analysis of Gamma-Ray Burst Time Profiles: The Fast Rise Exponential Decay”

Ouyang, MS thesis in 1988, “The Importance of Initial Conditions, Boundary Conditions, and Time Step in the Calculation of Soil Temperature Profiles”

Pak-Hing “Danny” Chan, MS thesis in 1987, “The CH4/H2 ratio for the atmosphere of Uranus”

Undergraduate Students:

It is very important that undergraduates get involved in research early in their careers. It is important that they understand the cycle of: data collection, analysis, write up, and presentation. Below is a list of some of the MSU undergraduates who have gone through this process by joining our astrophysics group

John Benton Weaver, Trends in Fast Rise Exponential Decay "FREDs" in Gamma-Ray Bursts.

Brad Barlow, graduated in May, 2006 and is pursuing his Ph.D at UNC Chapel Hill. He spent 2 months during the summer of 2004 with Jochen Greiner's GRB team at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, near Munich.

Sarah Nagel, Application of the GINI-Simpson statistic to spikes in GRB time profiles.

Robert Fritzius, Mapping Gamma Ray Bursters.

Harold Dunsford, Gamma-Ray Bursts and Self Organized Criticality.

Virginia Hamilton, The Evolution of Fractal Dimension in Gamma-Ray Burst Time Profiles.

Mike Harris and Jay Montgomery, Models of Gamma Ray Bursters.

Dwayne McCollum, How to Fake A Gamma-Ray Burst.

Ella Kuhn, Asymmetry in GRB Time Profiles. (MSMS High-school student)

Trent Moulder, COSMIC CHAOS: A Fractal Analysis of Gamma-Ray Bursts.

Payne Seal, What is the Length of the Coastline of Mississippi?

Samantha Shoemake, Study of Asymmetry in Gamma-Ray Burst Time Profiles.

Cynthia Spencer, The Effect of Ionospheric Perturbations on VLF Radio Transmissions.

Joe M. Turner and Donna Henderson, The Burst And Transient Source Experiment: An Overview.

Seth Whitehead, The Determination of Gamma-Ray Burst Time Profile Endpoints.

Alan Windham, Randomness in the Arrival Times of Gamma-Ray Burst Photons.

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